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People Who Leave A Great Impression On Us

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Inspiration Saturday with Ellen

Hello sweet Great Impressions friends! 

This is Ellen from In a World of Craft with more inspiration for you. I hope you are enjoying all of the inspiration from our awesome Design Team! Here is what I have for you today:

Thanks so much for stopping by for a bit of inspiration from Great Impressions. Be sure to check out the current monthly challenge and don’t forget to link your GI creations at our CUSTOMER GALLERY!
One last thing, be sure to “Like” Great Impressions on FACEBOOK!


Sparkly Engineer said...

Wow, you rocked the die cuts with this kewl card. I love how they showcase your image.

Mynn xx said...

TOTALLY fabulous, Ellen! LOVE the coloring and the fabulous layering! :) Mynn xx

jonim52 said...

Gorgeous design!

Karen P said...

More stamps that I really want! Ellen both of these are very versatile and I love how you have used them Karen x

New Creations said...

Adorable card and fabulous die cut with great sentiment. I love it.


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