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People Who Leave A Great Impression On Us

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Design Team Call!

Great Impressions Stamps Design Team Call!

You heard right!  Great Impressions Stamps is having a Design Team call!
We are in need of a few enthusiastic, friendly and talented stampers!
This call is open to U.S. residents only.

  • Have an active blog for at least 6 months.
  • Able to commit to a 6 month term beginning February 1st.
  • Ability to take excellent bright photographs.
  • Have an active Facebook account.
  • Enjoy posting comments.
  • Participate in our challenges and hops.
  • Create projects for Facebook  and/or The Great Impressions Stamps Blog on an assigned basis.
  • Generous supply of free quality red rubber Stickable stamps every month.
  • Your name, a link to your blog, and photo will be displayed on the Great Impressions Stamps store website.
  • Opportunity to purchase stamps at wholesale prices for the duration of your term.
  • Plus, a great chance to work with a fun and friendly team!
Does this sound like something that would interest you?
If so, we want to hear from you! 

Here is what you need to do:
1.     First, be/become a follower of the Great Impressions Stamps Blog and “Like” our Facebook page.
2.     Next, email the following to Mynnette at with the words "Great Impressions Stamps DT Call" in the subject line: 
    • Full name, email address, blog link, Facebook link, and any online galleries you may have (Flickr, Youtube, Splitcoast etc.)
    • Short bio including your design style and why you would love to join the team.
    • Current design teams and terms.
    • Previous DT experience, if any.  Previous experience on a design team is NOT REQUIRED.
Deadline for submission is January 6th at 5:59 PM Central Time.
Please e-mail:  Mynnette at with any questions
Before you submit your application.


Sparkly Engineer said...

Good luck everyone, this is a wonderful company to design for.

Unknown said...

Too bad it's only for US!!!

Karen P said...

Sorry to hear it is only for U.S. residents, good luck to all who enter xx


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