Good morning. This past week we said goodbye to our Designers Julie and Leah. Both of these ladies will truly be missed and we wish them all the best. With Julie and Leah leaving us, we are bringing on two New Designers.
First up is Dori Shelton from Perfectly Created Chaos! You met Dori in October when she was our Guest Designer for the month.
My name is Dori and began scrapbooking in 2003 while living in Okinawa during my husband’s deployment to Iraq. I was pregnant with my second child, and it was just a great way for me to keep my mind off of many things that were stressing me out at the time! Gradually, I got more into card making and started my blog to share that creativity with others in hopes to inspire and teach others as well. I’ve also learned so much from the paper crafting community over the years. We are still a military family, we still move…all the time…and I still pack up all my craft stuff and unpack it every 2-3 years! Our 2 children in Okinawa turned into 3 children and now they are all a little older (16, 12 and 10) leaving me more time to craft which is great! But at the same time, I’m still a “school taxi, homework helping/suffering, laundry doing, lunch packing and baseball mom” So in other words, I can’t really remember the last time I was bored!
I do still scrapbook; but I do that on a personal basis when I have time. I don’t blog or share them online. However, I love my paper crafting hobby. It keeps me sane, it keeps my mind focused and it’s just for me. I love designing an idea in my head, sketching it out, and then pulling the materials from the shelves and then putting it all together!
Next up is Robin Craddock from Robin's Reflections.
Hi my name is Robin Craddock. I have two beautiful daughters. I started crafting about six years ago when we moved to Ohio. I was born here but lived all of my adult life in Georgia. I mainly make cards but I have started dabbling with mixed media. I am ecstatic about joining the team here at Great Impressions. I love these stamps and am so exited to share my projects with you.
I can't wait to share their projects with you starting with our first 2017 Challenge on January 1st.
Please join me in giving these ladies a BIG Welcome!

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